Publications produces a wide range of publications for the authorities, its partners and the general public. These publications include in particular:

  • The Annual Report which contains all the organisation's achievements and activities over the year.
  • The Annual Report of the Brussels Observatory for Prevention and Safety which monitors recurring data from the police and the courts, but also the municipalities relating to municipal administrative sanctions (SAC). 
  • The Observatory's Thematic Brochures that provide a more in-depth analysis of certain specific phenomena.
  • The Regional Safety Survey which assesses the feeling of insecurity and security breaches (anti-social behaviour, crimes and offences) across Brussels every two years.
  • The Global Security and Prevention Plan (GSPP) 2021-2024, adopted by the Brussels Government on 14 January 2021, which is the strategic reference framework for 2021 to 2024 for all those working in relation to prevention and security matters in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Your opinion matters! Your comments about any of our publications are always welcome and can be submitted using our online form.

LGBTQIA+phobic Violence: Overview of the situation in the Brussels Region

On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, presents exclusive new data on LGBTQIA+phobic violence in the Brussels Region. Collected through the non-profit organization RainbowHouse Brussels, in partnership with and, these data shed light on LGBTQIA+phobic acts committed in the Brussels Region that are otherwise rarely rep...

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Observatory annual report

The Observatory's annual report provides an overview of available data on security in the Brussels-Capital Region. Designed to be both visual and provide a summary, it offers both a global and thematic picture of crime phenomena by drawing on a variety of sources.In so doing, this document helps to identify the evolution of problems, as well as their scale in the region. It also highlights i...

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Appels d'urgences

En Belgique, il existe deux grands numéros d'urgence :

Tous les numéros d’appels d’urgence

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