Non-profit associations

The Brussels-Capital Region allocates subsidies to associations who are active in the regional prevention and security chain. is the organisation entrusted with the management of these subsidies.

Call for projects to non-profit associations as part of the implementation of the Global Security and Prevention Plan 2021-2024

In 2021, with a view to mobilising the voluntary sector to contribute to the implementation of the 2021-2024 GSPP, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region agreed to the launch of a call for projects aimed at aligning the management of the subsidy programme for non-profit associations active in the field of prevention and security with the priorities and frequency of the GSPP.

There is currently no call for projects. To stay informed, please follow our social media channels for the latest news and upcoming announcements:


Emergency calls

In Belgium, there are two main emergency numbers:

All emergency numbers

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