Emergency planning

Emergency planning

People, their property and their living space must be protected at all times. Civil protection consists of all the measures and means necessary for this purpose. Of these, emergency planning plays a fundamental role.

The aim is to anticipate and prepare for any potential crisis by determining the actions and coordination mechanisms to be put in place when an emergency situation occurs, in order to be able to mobilise human and material resources as quickly as possible and therefore organise the assistance necessary to protect the population and property.

Responsibility for this in our Region is assumed by the High official of the Brussels Conurbation.

People, their property and their living space must be protected at all times. Civil protection consists of all the measures and means necessary for this purpose. Of these, emergency planning plays a fundamental role.

The aim is to anticipate and prepare for any potential crisis by determining the actions and coordination mechanisms to be put in place when an emergency situation occurs, in order to be able to mobilise human and material resources as quickly as possible and therefore organise the assistance necessary to protect the population and property.

Responsibility for this in our Region is assumed by the High official of the Brussels Conurbation.

To carry out this mission, she coordinates implementation of various complementary initiatives, including :

  • An analysis of the risks present in Brussels.
  • The drafting of emergency plans, including action sheets, information and general or specific measures for a particular risk.
  • The organising of major events, the scale of which go beyond the municipal framework, through the implementation of preventive multidisciplinary measures, such as, for example, for the 20km of Brussels or Belgium’s National Day.
  • The organising of exercises during which the participants test the measures and procedures planned and refine their reflexes.

In doing this, she ensures concerted and coordinated action by the services performing the functional sets of missions referred to as disciplines, assisted by the heads of these services and an emergency planning coordinator who, together, constitute her security unit.

Beyond these main parties, each institution, organisation, expert and association is likely to be a party in the crisis and, as such, be included in the emergency planning process.

Emergency situation :

Any event that has or is likely to have harmful consequences for social life (such as a serious disruption to public security, a serious threat to the life or health of persons and/or against significant material interests) and which requires coordination of emergency services in order to eliminate the threat or limit the harmful consequences thereof (Royal Decree of 16/02/2006).

Emergency plans

The Senior Official’s Emergency Planning Department drafts and updates various specific emergency response plans.

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Multidisciplinary Plan

The Multidisciplinary Emergency Response Plan (MERP), which governs multidisciplinary intervention. It consists of:

  • A General Emergency Response Plan (GERP), which contains the general guidelines and information required to ensure management of the emergency situation;
  • Special Emergency Response Plans (SERP), which supplement the GERP with specific additional directives concerning specific risks;
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Monodisciplinary Plan

the Monodisciplinary Response Plan, which governs the intervention procedures for each discipline, in accordance with the MERP;

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Internal Emergency Plan

The Internal Emergency Plan (IEP), a document internal to a company or institution, which sets out appropriate material and organisational measures to limit the harmful consequences of an emergency situation.

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Emergency service 1 concerns rescue operations (controlling the emergency situation and eliminating the associated risks; searching, freeing, rescuing, saving and securing people and protecting their property, etc.).
Emergency service 1 tasks are carried out by the public fire services and the operational civil protection units.

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Emergency service 2 concerns medical, health and psychosocial assistance (creating the medical chain; providing medical and psychosocial care to victims and persons affected by the emergency situation; transporting victims, etc.).
Emergency service 2 tasks are carried out by the services that participate in the provision of emergency medical assistance as well as by the services included in the monodisciplinary response plan (the SMUR/MUG Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Service, 100-accredited hospitals, Red Cross, psychosocial assistance).

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Emergency service 3 concerns the police at the location of the emergency situation (maintaining and restoring public order; clearing access and evacuation routes and, if necessary, escorting the emergency services and resources to the site of the event; installing, physically cordoning off, signalling and monitoring the perimeters as well as controlling access to the areas; identifying bodies, etc.)

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Emergency service 4 concerns logistical support (providing personnel and equipment reinforcements and supplying specific rescue and assistance equipment; organising technical means for communication between disciplines, the operations command post and the coordination committee(s); organising the provision of food and drinking water for the emergency services and people affected, etc.).
Emergency service 4 tasks are carried out by the operational civil protection units, public fire services and specialised public and private services.

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Emergency service 5 is concerned with information (providing information and guidance to the public; providing information to the media; providing information about measures to be taken to get back to normal, etc.).
Emergency service 5 duties are performed by the competent authority or its representative.

Emergency calls

In Belgium, there are two main emergency numbers:

All emergency numbers

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