Facts & figures

Some key figures on safety in the Brussels Region are presented here. They are taken from the annual report of the safe.brussels Observatory, where you will find more information on the various themes covered.

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Nearly half of residents never feel unsafe in their district, according to the Regional Safety Survey 2022.


TOP 3 criminal offences recorded by the police by PGSP theme: Property damage (75,303 incidents) > Physical and mental integrity of the population (23,127 incidents) > Trafficking and fraud (20,903 incidents).


57% of minors involved in MD (minors at risk) cases were under 12.


7,637 decisions were made in "minors at risk" cases, an increase of 65% on 2015. 


271,113 SAC (municipal administrative sanction) cases handled by the 19 Brussels municipalities in 2022, a 6% drop from 2021.

Violations of integrity of the person


4,009 violent unarmed robberies recorded by the police in the public space in the BCR in 2022. That is 44% of the incidents recorded in Belgium. 


1 in 5 BCR residents say they have been a victim of discrimination in the past year (Regional Safety Survey 2022).


27% of the victims who visited the Sexual Assault Centre (CPVS) in Brussels between 2017 and 2022 were under 18.

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22% of women in Brussels say they have been victims of street harassment in the past year (vs. 10% of men in Brussels), according to the 2022 Regional Safety Survey.


339 acts of discrimination recorded by the police in the BCR, i.e. 21% of all acts recorded in Belgium in 2022. 


19% increase in sexual violence recorded by the police in the public space in 2022 (compared with 2015).

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Polarisation and radicalisation


1 in 7 Brussels residents say they have been confronted with polarising opinions in the past year (Regional Safety Survey 2022).


95% of Brussels residents registered by the Threat Assessment Coordination Body (OCAM) were registered for Islamist-type extremism (December 2022). 


11 "terrorism" cases entered the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office in 2022 (-84% compared with 2015).

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109 incidents of violence against persons in authority recorded by the police in the BCR. That is 38% of the incidents recorded in Belgium in 2022.


1 in 5 cases of contempt, assault and rebellion against persons with public status were closed by an alternative measure.

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Drugs and addiction


More than 1 in 3 Brussels residents say they are often or always confronted with drug use in the public space (Regional Safety Survey 2022).


Top 3 drug-related incidents recorded by the BCR police in 2022: Drug possession (6,328 incidents) > Public drunkenness (2,624 events) > Drug dealing (1,554 incidents).


47% of drug possession cases were processed without criminal prosecution by the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office for reasons of expediency (2022).

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+28% of cocaine residues in BCR wastewater compared with 2021. 

After falling for three years, the distribution of injection equipment increased compared with 2021.

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People smuggling and human trafficking


46 cases of human trafficking recorded by the police concerned sexual exploitation in 2022 (+53% on 2021).


Increase in the number of sexual exploitation cases referred to the Brussels Correctional Prosecution Office in 2022 compared with 2015. 


16 of the 64 sexual exploitation cases closed by the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office in 2022 were prosecuted.

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136 cases of "child pornography" entered the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office in 2022, down 43% on 2021.

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Damage to property


1 in 10 commuters say they have experienced the theft of personal possessions in the BCR in the past year (Regional Safety Survey 2022).


30% of residents say they are often or always confronted with vandalism in the public space in the BCR (Regional Safety Survey 2022).


14,080 pickpocketing incidents recorded by the police in the BCR in 2022 (+42% on 2021).

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+25% of bicycle thefts reported via Police-on-web (i.e. 1,713 incidents in 2022).

The number of residential burglaries rose compared with 2021 (7,008 incidents recorded by the police, +11%).


794 requests for home surveillance via Police-on-web (+2% on 2021).

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Mobility and road safety

Increase in the number of injured scooter users (700, +70% compared with 2021).


398,070 speeding offences recorded by the police, up 23% on 2021.


In 85% of alcohol-related offences recorded by the police, the offender was a man.

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1.8% of alcohol tests carried out as part of BOB campaigns were positive in 2022. 


592 violent unarmed robberies on public transport were recorded by the police in 2022, representing 69% of all such incidents committed in Belgium.

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Environment and anti-social behaviour


816 night-time disturbances were recorded by the police, representing a 20% increase on 2021.


65% of commuters say they are often or always confronted with a lack of cleanliness in public spaces in the BCR, according to the Regional Safety Survey 2022.


3,206 official reports were processed by Bruxelles Propreté (+5% on 2021).

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45% increase in "animal welfare" incidents (158 incidents) were recorded by the police in 2022 compared with 2021. 


101 "animal welfare" official reports were received by Brussels Environment (+15% on 2021), three of which were prosecuted by the Public Prosecutor's Office.


3 out of 10 residents avoid train and metro stations "often" or "all the time" for fear of muggings/thefts/antisocial behaviour, according to the Regional Safety Survey 2022.

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Organised crime and trafficking of counterfeit goods


The number of identity fraud incidents recorded by the police (1,548) has fallen since 2019 (-24%).

Of the cybercrime incidents recorded by the police, computer fraud (7,828 incidents) rose sharply (+41% compared with 2021).


72% of the cybercrime cases (1,743) handled by the Brussels Correctional Prosecution Service were processed without prosecution in 2022.

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1,547 money laundering cases entered the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office in 2022 (+7% compared with 2021).


18 of the 35 cases involving criminal organisations closed by the Brussels Correctional Prosecutor's Office were prosecuted in 2022.

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Crisis management and resilience


51% of Brussels residents say they never experienced riots in the past year, according to the Regional Safety Survey.

15% increase in ambulance missions compared with 2021 (104,319 missions) and 13% for firefighters (16,542 interventions) carried out by the SIAMU.


The number of crisis management exercises increased from 2 in 2021 to 6 in 2022.

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76 activations of the Regional Crisis Centre in 2022, a figure that is set to rise (7 in 2020 and 73 in 2021).


45 crisis management incidents were recorded for the BCR in 2022, including three municipal phase triggers and one provincial phase trigger.


4 extreme heat and ozone peak warning phases were triggered in 2022.

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Emergency calls

In Belgium, there are two main emergency numbers:

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